Is Direct Mail Still Relevant?

direct mail peeking out of mailboxWith the advancements in email, social media, and online advertising, direct mail may seem like a thing of the past. But when done properly, it can be a powerful marketing tool.

Each day in the United States, the United States Postal Service processes more than 187.8 million pieces of First-Class mail. But despite the high volume of mail delivered each day, is this form of marketing still effective? Is it worth the time and money to invest it into your marketing strategy?

Here are just five reasons it shouldn’t be forgotten.

1. It Falls Into the Right Hands

Did you know that approximately 98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it was delivered and 72% of these individuals bring it in almost immediately? Additionally, 42% of individuals actually read or skim each piece of mail that is brought into their home.

This is a vast contrast from email marketing — where the average open rate ranges from 18.1% to 25% depending on the industry and the company.

Direct mail allows you to actually be seen and it is more likely to be read. If you target and personalize your mailer, it can easily catch the attention of your audience, make them want to know more, and gives them a reason to contact or hire you.

Plus, 54% of individuals want to receive direct mail from brands and companies that they trust and the average individual will spend more than 30 minutes reading their mail at any given time.

2. You Receive a High ROI

You don’t have to spend a fortune to make a big impact on your revenue when you utilize direct mail. Statistics show that for U.S. advertisers who use direct mail and spend $167 per person, they can earn up to $2,095 in return. This equals a 1,300% ROI.

Plus, 56% of consumers who receive physical mail are more like to go online to learn more about the company and its brand, or enter the company’s physical location.  

3. You Can Target Your Audience

Direct mail allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns. Using the power of mailing lists, you can send your direct mail to specific demographics, geographic locations, etc. You can target renters, homeowners, young families, and much more.

By having a targeted approach, you can generate direct mail with calls-to-action that these individuals are interested in — ones that will motivate them and that are truly effective. With this approach, you are able to generate a more personalized message, something that stands out and is successful.

4. It Is Versatile

One of the benefits of direct mail is it comes in a wide variety of forms. You can choose to send postcards, flyers, brochures, letters, and more. Do you have a lot of information you wish to share with your readers? If so, a letter may be ideal. Or, if you are promoting an event, a service, etc., a simple postcard may be best.

Plus, regardless of the type of mailer you choose, you have creative freedom. You can add images and photographs, and you can implement QR codes, which will enhance the overall experience for your readers.

5. Your Readers Better Recall It

Think about the last time you were online. Can you name all the ads you saw and what they were selling or promoting? Most likely not. Direct mail makes a strong impression on your readers and, because of this, is easy for them to recall.

In a study by the U.K. Royal Mail, 60% of respondents said that a piece of mail made an impression on them, making it easier to remember the company and the services offered later on. When designed well and targeted to specific individuals, it addresses a need, a concern, or a question that the reader may have. And it explains a solution to their problems, making them want to learn more and remember it. Basically, it is more personalized than many other forms of marketing.

A successful marketing plan will incorporate a variety of tactics, approaches, and methods. Direct mail should be included if you want your readers to see it, recall it, and do something about it.

So what are you waiting for? Begin connecting with your readers today!

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